Fill out this form, pick your files and click “Submit”...

It's just that easy.

Fill out the info required in the for to the right, choose your file and click the "Submit" button at the bottom. You're done!


Some quick tips for submitting ads, files,
images and info for your publication.

Click to expand each topic

  • General Advertising

    1.  Convert all images to CMYK.

    2. Save your ads as high quality PDFs.

    3. Make sure to embed all fonts and graphics in your final PDF file.

    4. All graphics and images used should be at least 250 to 300 DPI.

    5. Please use the following naming convention to help route your ad to the proper publication:


    Example: flowershop-LNC.PDF

    Please use these pub name abbreviations:

    LNC - Lake Norman Currents

    IYM - It’s Your Move

    GLL - Great Lake Living

    MW - Making Waves

    LCL - Lincoln County Living

    TCW -Today's Charlotte Woman

    LOM- Little Ones Magazine

  • Images/Files/Event Photography

    1. All images need to be at least 300 DPI.

    2. Save your image files as a .jpg file using the highest quality setting possible.

    3. RGB images are fine. We will convert them to CMYK
    for print.

    4. If you have multiple images consider compressing
    them into one file using a compression software like Stuffit  or zip.

Venture Magazines, P.O. Box 1676, Cornelius NC 28031, phone 704-749-8788, fax 888-887-1431